There are many ministries at St. Mark's that are geared towards community involvement and that actively show our love for our Dalton neighbors. The following organizations and partnerships are listed in no particular order of importance.
If you are interested in getting involved with any of these outreaches, please contact the person listed for each ministry.
St. Mark’s Preschool- One of our most important and long-lasting outreach ministries, St. Mark’s Preschool has offered inclusive education for special needs and typical children ages two-four for over 50 years. This program is partially supported by two major fundraisers: a Chili Supper in the fall and a 5K race in the spring. The preschool was the first recipient of the Ellen Andersen Neighboring Award which honors organizations that best exemplify St. Mark’s mission statement and core values as well as having had the most transformative impact on its recipients. More information about this wonderful and important ministry can be found on the preschool page or you can click here to be direct to the page.
Family Support Council- Each Christmas the Family Support Council provides St. Mark’s with names of struggling grandparents with children. These names are placed on our Angel Tree for parishioners to select and then purchase educational toys and books as well as clothing in hopes of making the children’s Christmas a little brighter. www.familysupportcouncil.com
If you are interested in getting involved with any of these outreaches, please contact the person listed for each ministry.
St. Mark’s Preschool- One of our most important and long-lasting outreach ministries, St. Mark’s Preschool has offered inclusive education for special needs and typical children ages two-four for over 50 years. This program is partially supported by two major fundraisers: a Chili Supper in the fall and a 5K race in the spring. The preschool was the first recipient of the Ellen Andersen Neighboring Award which honors organizations that best exemplify St. Mark’s mission statement and core values as well as having had the most transformative impact on its recipients. More information about this wonderful and important ministry can be found on the preschool page or you can click here to be direct to the page.
Family Support Council- Each Christmas the Family Support Council provides St. Mark’s with names of struggling grandparents with children. These names are placed on our Angel Tree for parishioners to select and then purchase educational toys and books as well as clothing in hopes of making the children’s Christmas a little brighter. www.familysupportcouncil.com

DEO Clinic - The DEO Clinic was started in 2008 by a group of parishioners who saw the need for free medical care for the underinsured and uninsured residents of Whitfield and Murray Counties. The clinic grew significantly and now is it’s own non-profit organization housed at Mack Gaston Community Center. St. Mark’s continues to the support this worthy cause through financial support, partnering to host the “Spring into Wellness” health fair as well as the many volunteer hours provided by over 22 St. Mark’s parishioners. Just recently DEO was the recipient of the second Ellen Andersen Neighboring Award given to the organization that best exemplifies St. Mark’s mission statement and core values as well as having had the most transformative impact on its recipients. Want to help at DEO?
Task Force for the Elderly - This outreach program ministers to the elderly parishioners who are more limited in mobility. Currently we offer a book study at Royal Oaks, which is a local retirement community. We are in the process of developing a ride share program which will offer rides to church and other special services for those who are no longer able to drive. In addition, the possibility of some type of Episcopal service (like Evening Prayer) is being explored.
Newcomer Academy - This local school program provides an immersive educational setting especially designed for students aged 8-12 who recently immigrated to the U.S. and need help learning the English language and in catching up in their studies. In addition to hosting a back-to-school supply drive for the students, St. Mark’s hosts a Thanksgiving luncheon for Newcomer Academy students.
Task Force for the Elderly - This outreach program ministers to the elderly parishioners who are more limited in mobility. Currently we offer a book study at Royal Oaks, which is a local retirement community. We are in the process of developing a ride share program which will offer rides to church and other special services for those who are no longer able to drive. In addition, the possibility of some type of Episcopal service (like Evening Prayer) is being explored.
Newcomer Academy - This local school program provides an immersive educational setting especially designed for students aged 8-12 who recently immigrated to the U.S. and need help learning the English language and in catching up in their studies. In addition to hosting a back-to-school supply drive for the students, St. Mark’s hosts a Thanksgiving luncheon for Newcomer Academy students.

Green Space Development- St. Mark’s works to be a good steward of the church property in various ways as well as participating in other related programs. A Nature Trail was established between St. Mark’s and the neighboring apartment complex through the hard work of parishioners and apartment residents. This trail provides a place for a quiet walk or reflection as well as a place to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. The Girl Scouts will be labeling the trees along the trail and the preschool children uses the space as an outdoor classroom. A quarterly Adopt-a-Mile is led by Don Hoffmeyer is held in conjunction with the Hug Your Church clean-up day sponsored by the Building and Grounds committee. Also St. Mark’s is a participant in the annual Earth Day celebrations and received the Earth Day Award for our work on cleaning the path for the Nature Trail as a way of caring for our neighbors.

Blue Ridge Reading Program - Each month volunteers from St. Mark’s and First Presbyterian Church come together to read to students from kindergarten through 2nd grade at Blue Ridge Elementary School. In additional to reading and getting to know the children, the books read each month are given to the students for their classroom library.
Girl Scouts - St. Mark’s Girl Scout group meets weekly at the church. Know a young lady who might want to be a part of this group or maybe you want to help with one of their events, please contact Andrea Hamlin.
Birdfeeder Pantry - St. Mark’s parishioners contribute to the Dalton State Birdfeeder Pantry through donations of food, personal hygiene products and occasionally a quilt made by our Quilting group. Contact Nola Culverson for more information on this project.
Quilters - This devoted group meets on Monday mornings at the church for loving fellowship and to make quilts. Over the years they have made everything from sleeping bags to 18” quilts for premature infants at Atlanta’s Eggleston Hospital to twin-size quilts for our graduating seniors to take to college as a constant reminder of their St. Mark’s family. Recently the quilters have begun an international project in Haiti. Interested in quilting for a cause? Contact Nola Culverson.
Meals on Wheels - For over twenty years St. Mark’s has been committed to delivering meals to local shut-ins one week of each month. In addition to delivering these meal, the volunteers are a source of human contact for these people and provide needed feedback to the Meals on Wheels leaders should someone be in need of additional services. If you’re interested in helping with Meals on Wheels, contact Anne Blaylock.
There are other organizations that we support through special offerings and ongoing gifts such as DocUp and the Northwest Georgia Crisis Center among others. We also give money to the Diocese who in turn sponsors many Episcopal outreaches with these gifts.
Girl Scouts - St. Mark’s Girl Scout group meets weekly at the church. Know a young lady who might want to be a part of this group or maybe you want to help with one of their events, please contact Andrea Hamlin.
Birdfeeder Pantry - St. Mark’s parishioners contribute to the Dalton State Birdfeeder Pantry through donations of food, personal hygiene products and occasionally a quilt made by our Quilting group. Contact Nola Culverson for more information on this project.
Quilters - This devoted group meets on Monday mornings at the church for loving fellowship and to make quilts. Over the years they have made everything from sleeping bags to 18” quilts for premature infants at Atlanta’s Eggleston Hospital to twin-size quilts for our graduating seniors to take to college as a constant reminder of their St. Mark’s family. Recently the quilters have begun an international project in Haiti. Interested in quilting for a cause? Contact Nola Culverson.
Meals on Wheels - For over twenty years St. Mark’s has been committed to delivering meals to local shut-ins one week of each month. In addition to delivering these meal, the volunteers are a source of human contact for these people and provide needed feedback to the Meals on Wheels leaders should someone be in need of additional services. If you’re interested in helping with Meals on Wheels, contact Anne Blaylock.
There are other organizations that we support through special offerings and ongoing gifts such as DocUp and the Northwest Georgia Crisis Center among others. We also give money to the Diocese who in turn sponsors many Episcopal outreaches with these gifts.